Soulmates in the Quran and Prophetic Tradition

soulmate sis
7 min readSep 15, 2017
One of our first assignments at Madina Institute U.S.A. was to translate The Quran in Ulum al Quran (Sciences of The Quran).

Just like letters that go together in a word, there are soulmates who came in the symbolic “Be.” Spiritual partnership found in soulmates are far from foreign to Islam: to the contrary, The Quran and Prophetic Tradition are replete with them. The need for heart-based self-study and self-discovery beyond (including but not limited to) family of origin, into the Muslim meta-history, is evident in the erasure of this truth from mainstream narrative. When applied with intellect revelation stands well on their own for depth in understanding relationships. Guidance from the Quran and Prophetic Tradition simultaneously make connections to the perennial wisdom of all faiths, the spirituality of the Prophetic inclination to love[ii] and the Divine Reality of simply being.

The Zohar, a Medieval Jewish compilation deeply rooted in Talmudic tradition relates, “Each soul and spirit prior to its entering into this world, consist[ing] of a male and female united into one being.”[2] The Gospel describes this “two in one” relationship as a means to the Kingdom of God with “when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one.”[3] Current Western conceptions of soulmates popularize the Yin andYang of Taoism or ancient Chinese Philosophy. Shiva and Parvati of Hinduism mention…

